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·loss of or damage to the cargo货失货损(货物的灭失与损坏)
·kind and nature种类
·power and authority权威和权限
Without limitation,McDonald’s will have exclusive ownership of all present and future existing rights to the Submission of every kind and nature everywhere.对于任何地方所提交的任何种类、任何性质建议的现有权利,无论现在还是将来麦当劳都毫无限制地独家享有主权。
W h e n t h e C a r r i e r i s l i a b l e f o r compensation in respect of loss of or damage t o t h e g o o d s,s u c h c o m p e n s a t i o n s h a l l b e calculated by reference to the invoice value of the goods plus freight charges and insurance if paid.当承运人应对货失货损予以赔偿时,此种赔偿应根据该项货物的发票价格加运费及保险费(如已支付)计算。(顾维勇,2019:178)
The person executing this Agreement on behalf of Seller has full power and authority to do so.代表卖方签署本合同的个人具有完全的签署权。
Full power and authority指“完全的签署权力和权限”。
Upon receipt of documents issued in strict conformity with credit terms and conditions,we shall cover you at your convenience.一旦收到严格按照信用证条款开具的单证,我行将就贵方之便如数付款。(同上:170)
Terms and conditions条款:前者指总括性纲领性条款,后者指细则性条款。
·alter and change变更
·bind and obligate承担
N e i t h e r p a r t y m a y a l t e r a n d c h a n g e any part of this agreement without the prior written approval of the other party.任何一方未经另一方的事先书面同意不得对本协议的任何部分做修改或变动。
Alter and change二词叠用,从本义上来看,没有区别,但法律上alter一词表示“修改”。
In consideration of the mutual covenants h e r e i n c o n t a i n e d,b o t h P a r t i e s h e r e t o hereby agree to willingly bind and obligate themselves to act and perform as follows...鉴于协议所含共同约定,双方同意遵守契约,并有责任和义务执行以下条款……
·sole and exclusive唯一的
This Agreement is intended for the sole and exclusive benefit of the signatories and is not intended to benefit any third party.本协议专有受益人为签约双方,无第三方受益人。
·final and conclusive终局的,决定的
The decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive in all matters and disputes.如有任何争议,本行的决定具有终决效力。
·devalued or depreciated贬值
B y 1 9 7 3 t h e d o l l a r w a s u n d e r h e a v y s e l l i n g p r e s s u r e e v e n a t i t s d e v a l u e d o r depreciated rates,and in February 1973,the U.S.was forced to devalue the dollar again by about 10 percent,and the price of gold was raised from$38 to$42.22 per ounce.尽管美元贬值,到1973年仍承受抛压,1973年2月,美国再次被迫贬值美元约10个百分点,黄金的价格从每盎司38美元上升到42.22美元。
·null and void无效
A n y p r o v i s i o n i n s u p p l e m e n t a r y d o c u m e n t s i n d i s c r e p a n c y,a m b i g u i t y o r i n c o n s i s t e n c y w i t h t h a t i n t h e t e x t a n d appendices of the contract shall be null and void.任何增补性文件中所有与本合同正文及附录有冲突、有歧义或不一致的规定均无效。(注意此句中“discrepancy,ambiguity or inconsistency”也是同义词叠用。)
·when and as当……时候,到必要的时候
C o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e m u d s l a b w i l l b e i n c l u d e d i n t h e P i l i n g C o n t r a c t.T h e S u b s t r u c t u r e C o n t r a c t o r s h o u l d a l l o w f o r b r e a k i n g u p a n d r e m o v a l a s a n d w h e n required.铺设泥土石板路面将包含在打桩合同中。必要时,地下建筑承包商负责对其拆除与清理。
We don’t own a car–we just rent one as and when we need it.我们没有车,需要时我们就租一辆。
We’ll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.我们会决定自己的团队什么时候有资格参加比赛。(意思是:到我们有能力参赛的时候我们会决定自己的团队。qualify for“适任……,胜任……,有水平……”。)
从语义上看,这类词语可表达趋同或趋异的意义,趋异的词语多于趋同的词语。从形式上看有and连接,有or连接,相对来说,or连接的趋同意义多于and连接的,如:arising or resulting from(引起),agent or representative(代表)。理解与翻译这些叠用时,理解是前提,理解的关键是区别词义是趋同还是趋异,如果是反义词叠用,词义肯定为趋异。
I t i s t h e i n t e n t o f t h e p a r t i e s t h a t a l l documents and annexes forming part hereof shall be read and taken together and that each a n d e v e r y p r o v i s i o n o r s t i p u l a t i o n h e r e o f be given full force,effect and applicability.H o w e v e r,i n t h e e v e n t t h a t o n e o r m o r e provisions or stipulations herein be declared n u l l a n d v o i d b y t h e c o u r t s,o r o t h e r w i s e rendered ineffective,the remaining provisions and stipulations shall not be affected thereby.合同各方同意,作为本合同组成部分的所有文件和附件须一并阅读和考虑,本合同的一切条款完全有效和适用,若法庭宣布本合同中的一条或多条条款为无效,或通过其他方式视为无效,其他条款不受影响。(顾维勇,2019:188)
Be read and taken together“同时阅读,一并考虑”,意义趋异;take together“将……联系在一起,把……合并考虑”;each and every“每一项”,意义趋同;provision or stipulation“条款”,意义趋同;stipulation的严格意义本应为“约定”,指当事人经协商达成的约定性规定,故一般指合同、条约、协议或契约中的规定而非法律法规中的非约定性的规定(或“约定”)(a material condition o r r e q u i r e m e n t i n a n a g r e e m e n t,e s p.,a f a c t u a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n t h a t i s i n c o r p o r a t e d into contract as a term),如:breach of the stipulation of the contract“违反合同规定”,如将其用于法律中,如:the stipulations of the Environment Act,则应属于一种错误用法。相比之下,provision的适用范畴则较广,其既可指合同或契约中属于约定性的条款规定,又可指法律或法规中属于强制性的条款规定。Force,effect and applicability有效和适用,其中前两个词为趋同意义,后一个词为趋异意义;null and void“无效”,意义趋同;还有复数形式的provisions or stipulations(provisions and stipulations)与单数形式一样,均为意义趋同。
常见趋同的叠用有:terms and conditions条款;agent or representative代表;arising or resulting from引起;claim or allegation主张;insufficiency or inadequacy不足;negligence,fault,or failure in the duties and obligations未履行责任和义务;any part or parts of it其中任何部分;stipulations and provisions条款;terms or conditions条款;terms or provisions条款;null and void无效;breaking and entering闯入;goods and chattels私人财产;have and hold持有;made and signed签名的;will and testament遗嘱;proof or evidence证明,等等。举例:
T h e w o r d“d o c u m e n t”c o m e s f r o m t h e L a t i n d o c u m e n t u m m e a n i n g o f f i c i a l p a p e r.T h e w o r d a l s o c a r r i e s m e a n i n g s o f“p r o o f”a n d“e v i d e n c e”.T h e r e f o r e,a document is an official paper that serves as proof or evidence of something.
英语proof or evidence显然是趋同意义,译为“证明”即可。
Business is a combination of all these activities:production,distribution and sale,through which profit or economic surplus will be created.
此句中,词语profit or economic surplus,后者是对前者的解释说明,并非两个概念,可以看作同义词叠用。
T r a d i t i o n a l l y,b u s i n e s s s i m p l y m e a n t exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed,but today it has a more technical d e f i n i t i o n,w h i c h i s t h e p r o d u c t i o n,distribution,and sale of goods and service for a profit.
句中exchange or trade,wanted or needed均为近义词叠用,意义趋同;service指“服务业务”而不是“劳务”。另外,这种有偿的或有利可图的“服务业务”恐怕不能“生产、配送和销售”。
常用的趋异表达有:able and willing能够与愿意;accord and satisfaction协议与补偿,和解与清偿协议(允许合同一方支付一笔款项,以获得免除合同中规定的责任);alteration,modification or substitution变更,修改或替代;be null and void and of no effect作废并无效;covenants or agreements契约或协议;express or implied明指或暗示;loss,injury or damage失踪,受伤或伤害;loss or damage灭失或损坏(loss of or damage to the goods“货物的灭失或损坏”,专业说法为“货失货损”);survey or inspection勘验或检查;void and voidable无效的和可以撤销的;voidable and void可以撤销的甚至无效的;approve and accept认可并接受;vary and modify修改和变更;authority,authorization,power and right权威,权限,权力和权利,等等。如:
P a r t y A r e p r e s e n t s t h a t i t h a s t h e authority,authorization,power and right to execute this Agreement.甲方就拥有签署本协议的权威,权限(授权)、权力和权利。
All permits,taxes and other fees arising from the prosecution and execution of the p r o j e c t s h a l l b e s o l e l y s h o u l d e r e d b y t h e Contractor.
原句中,prosecution and execution为近义词,分别译为“执行”和“施工”。因为原句中有permits(许可证费)一词,而许可证手续通常应在工程施工前办理,否则就算违规操作。因此,这里叠用是为了强调词语的差别意义。而原译中的“施工”仅指工程动工、建设进行之中,没有包括“工程动工前办理必要的许可证手续等准备工作”这一含义,与原文的含义不吻合。
A n y s u p p l e m e n t,m o d i f i c a t i o n o r alternation agreed by both parties shall be taken as an integral part of the contract,and has the equal legal force as the contract itself.
原译把modification or alteration两词视为趋同意义,忽视了合同当事人还可对合同做出实质性变动(alteration),使原合同在法律上无效这一层含义。所以原文中modification or alteration叠用是为了强调它们之间的差别,可译为“修改或变更”。
[1] 顾维勇、孙维林.商务英语翻译的文体意识[J].中国翻译,2010(5):67-70.
[2] 顾维勇.商务文体翻译[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2019.
[3] 李明.商务英语翻译(英译汉)[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2011.
《商务英语同/近/反义词叠用语义探析及翻译》来源:《中国翻译》,作者:顾维勇 吴奕萱