

Turkish Journal Of Botany期刊基本信息

Turkish Journal Of Botany


















Turkish Journal Of Botany中文介绍

《Turkish Journal Of Botany》是一本由TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY出版商出版的专业生物期刊,该刊创刊于1994年,刊期Bimonthly,该刊已被国际权威数据库SCIE收录。在中科院最新升级版分区表中,该刊分区信息为大类学科:生物 4区,小类学科:植物科学 4区;在JCR(Journal Citation Reports)分区等级为Q3。该刊发文范围涵盖植物科学等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外植物科学工作者在该领域取得的最新研究成果、工作进展及学术动态、技术革新等,促进学术交流,鼓励学术创新。2021年影响因子为1.429,平均审稿速度较慢,6-12周。

Turkish Journal Of Botany英文介绍

The Turkish Journal of Botany is published electronically 6 times a year by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (T?B?TAK) and accepts manuscripts (in English) covering all areas of plant biology (including genetics, evolution, systematics, structure, function, development, diversity, conservation biology, biogeography, paleobotany, ontogeny, functional morphology, ecology, reproductive biology, and pollination biology), all levels of organisation (molecular to ecosystem), and all plant groups and allied organisms (algae, fungi, and lichens). Authors are required to frame their research questions and discuss their results in terms of major questions in plant biology. In general, papers that are too narrowly focused, purely descriptive, or broad surveys, or that contain only preliminary data or natural history, will not be considered (*).

The following types of article will be considered:

1. Research articles: Original research in various fields of botany will be evaluated as research articles.

2. Research notes: These include articles such as preliminary notes on a study or manuscripts on the morphological, anatomical, cytological, physiological, biochemical, and other properties of plant, algae, lichen and fungi species.

3. Reviews: Reviews of recent developments, improvements, discoveries, and ideas in various fields of botany.

4. Letters to the editor: These include opinions, comments relating to the publishing policy of the Turkish Journal of Botany, news, and suggestions. Letters should not exceed one journal page.

(*) 1. Raw floristic lists (of algae, lichens, fungi, or plants), species descriptions, chorological studies, and plant sociology studies without any additional independent approaches.

2. Comparative morphology and anatomy studies (that do not cover a family, tribe, subtribe, genus, subgenus, section, subsection, or species complexes with taxonomical problems) without one or more independent additional approaches such as phylogenetical, micromorphological, chromosomal and anatomical analyses.

3. Revisions of family, tribe, genus, subgenus, section, subsection, or species complexes without any original outputs such as taxonomical status changes, IUCN categories, and phenological and ecological analyses.

4. New taxa of all plants without any additional independent approaches such as phylogenetical, ecological, chromosomal, chorological and correlational analyses in addition to a detailed macro- and micro-morphological descriptions with quality field and microscopic illustrations of taxonomically important structures and identification key in the taxonomic group.

New records of all plants without any additional independent approaches such as phylogenetical, ecological, chromosomal, chorological and correlational analyses in addition to a detailed macro- and micro-morphological descriptions with quality field and microscopic illustrations of taxonomically important structures and identification key in the taxonomic group may be accepted for peer review if they contain 3 or more new records or taxonomical status update, such as lectotypification, new combinations, transfers, revivals and synonyms.

5. New taxa of algae, lichens, and fungi without any additional independent approaches such as phylogenetical, ecological, chromosomal, chorological and correlational analyses in addition to a detailed macro- and micro-morphological descriptions with quality field and microscopic illustrations of taxonomically important structures and identification key in the taxonomic group.

New records of algae, lichens, and fungi without any additional independent approaches such as phylogenetical, ecological, chromosomal, chorological and correlational analyses in addition to a detailed macro- and micro-morphological descriptions with quality field and microscopic illustrations of taxonomically important structures and identification key in the taxonomic group may be accepted for peer review if they contain 5 or more new records or taxonomical status update, such as lectotypification, new combinations, transfers, revivals and synonyms.

Turkish Journal Of Botany中科院分区

大类学科 分区 小类学科 分区 Top期刊 综述期刊
生物学 4区 PLANT SCIENCES 植物科学 4区

Turkish Journal Of Botany期刊近9年JCR分区变化趋势

Turkish Journal Of Botany期刊近9年JCR分区变化趋势400444444TURK J BOT2012年2013年2014年2015年2016年2017年2018年2019年2020年0-112345JCR分区趋势图杂志网(

Turkish Journal Of BotanyJCR分区(JCR2021-2022年分区)

JCR分区等级 JCR所属学科 分区 影响因子

Turkish Journal Of Botany期刊近7年影响因子变化趋势

Turkish Journal Of Botany期刊近7年影响因子变化趋势1.1781.0471.0661.0871.1091.4891.429TURK J BOT2015年2016年2017年2018年2019年2020年2021年11.影响因子杂志网(

Turkish Journal Of Botany期刊的CiteScore值(CiteScore2021-2022年CiteScore值)

CiteScore SJR SNIP 学科类别 分区 排名 百分位
2.80 0.366 1.053 大类:Agricultural and Biological Sciences 小类:Plant Science Q2 186 / 482


Turkish Journal Of Botany期刊近7年自引率变化趋势

Turkish Journal Of Botany期刊近7年自引率变化趋势18.15.3910.911.311.98.9TURK J BOT2015年2016年2017年2018年2019年2020年2021年2.557.51012.51517.520自引率杂志网(